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Social Job Search: LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Alert & Instagram

Social job search means using social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest to search for jobs. These platforms are used by job aspirants as well as companies doing head-hunting.

An important task for the job-seekers is to build a network far before they would actually need it. They need to be found on social media first by the recruiters or an employer they are looking to reach out to. This makes effective use of various social media sites important in an aspirant’s quest for a job, not to forget other tools as well that are meant for job search.

Here are some of the important social media sites that both job seekers and recruiters/employers use or could be using soon to achieve their objectives:

Using Social Media Platforms for Online Job Search

Facebook: The Universal Social Platform for Everyone’s Need

Facebook has recently introduced a feature that would help the admin of a particular group in posting jobs. They will also be able to receive applications from candidates, thus rivaling LinkedIn’s recruitment business. This feature also helps companies draw increased traffic to their FB pages. It allows them to pay Facebook for better outreach of their job openings to more candidates.

LinkedIn: The Platform for Professionals & Entrepreneurs

If you have a profile and are engaging on LinkedIn, it can be a definite help to find your next home-based job, with an overwhelming majority of recruiters using this platform to find candidates. To build your LinkedIn profile, you need to include your basic details, like your name, position, and general location. Then add your profile picture, your work history, and skills that are relevant for the job you are seeking. Include your education and languages known if it is relevant. A high visibility on LinkedIn requires proper keyword usage. You can also join groups with common professional goals or areas of focus.

Pinterest: The Best Social Platform to Search for Online Jobs

Pinterest is increasingly being used as a tool for job search amid times of economic uncertainty with more people looking to change jobs or find employment.

A job search on Pinterest requires you to pin your resume and create a pinboard for the resume. You should follow career experts and get links for your Pinterest resume.

Google Search: Can Give You More Accurate Results with Advanced Google Search

Google Search can be an effective and powerful tool while searching for jobs. It can be used in finding potential employers, research their history and competitors, and in sifting out the better opportunities from the mediocre options.

To get better search results in your quest for a job, attempt different search term variations. Enclose phrases within double quotation marks, attempt searches based on either/or, exclude few results and use an asterisk as a Google wild card. Ask Google for particular time frames, restricting your search to a specific site, try combining various techniques, and ask queries for preparing for an interview.

Setting Up Google Alert for Work at Home Jobs

To set up Google Alerts for your purposes, you should choose your main search field as “work-at-home jobs” by not adding the quotes. Although it would be entirely up to you how you customize your search, the following could be the right answers in the drop down menu to setup Google Alert to serve your purpose:

How Often: You could either choose once a day or as it happens. However, if you want to beat the competition, the latter is recommended.

Sources: Go either with web or discussions. Quite often, news can be a good source as well, especially when a company has been making the headlines off late.

Language: Choose English, but if you know other languages well enough, you can choose them as well.

Region: Mark as United States. However, if you prefer working overseas or aren’t based in the US, you may opt for other options in the menu.

How Many: Either choose all or just the best results if you are sure you’re looking for refined search.

Deliver To: Choose your Gmail account.

Instagram: Can be Used Tactfully to Market Your Skills

Used tactfully, Instagram can be a big advantage for you in your job search. While it is a good way to establish your personal brand, it also showcases your marketable skill in social media. To use Instagram for your job search, first create a new account. Thereafter, you should establish your personal brand, post appropriate things, be mindful of the privacy settings, use hashtags and follow companies offering jobs.

Job Boards: The Most Common Place to Look for Work At Home Jobs

Lastly, job boards can be an effective choice in your search for a job. One good example is the TCI job board which is meant exclusively for transcribers and translators. After you have uploaded your resume, employers can go through your profile. If your qualifications seems suitable to them, they will send you a letter of interest. Be sure to select the right categories when uploading your resume. This would help employers find you with ease. You also have the option to apply to companies directly if they have made their job listing public.

There are many things you should consider for an effective job search. The key to achieving success in your quest for a job is to never give up. Take time out to revisit your resume and make it further polished and updated with the industry-related keywords.

If you have a LinkedIn account, revise it by including a professional-looking pic of yours and with detailed work history. Do not forget to include the right keywords to enable employers find you with ease. Also, maintain a search schedule, and lastly, devote time to learn a new skill and hone your talent.

Over To You

I sure hope Mahesh’s post gave you a starting point to search for jobs on social media. If you have any questions or anything to add, please let us know in the comments section below!

About Mahesh

Mahesh is the spokesperson of Transcription Certification Institute, a Buffalo, NY based educational institution that provides comprehensive certification and training courses for general transcription. With the courses created by industry professionals, you can  become a certified general transcriptionist and start earning from the comfort of your home.

Connect with TCI on Facebook | Pinterest | Google+ | LinkedIn and visit their blog for more transription tips and resources.

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