meeting with boss about working from home

How To Successfully Negotiate Remote Work With Your Boss

After the pandemic and life got back to some kind of normal, the hustle and bustle of working in an office will return full speed ahead. And remote work will become a memory. But not everyone wants to head back to the office as the rise in workers (and companies alike) asking the question “What is wireless TEM?” can attest.

Global Workplace Analytics shared stats from a gallup poll that shows 35% of employees would change jobs for opportunity to work remotely full time.

If you’ve been thinking about quitting a job to work from home, have you considered whether your current job is telecommutable?

Quitting a job you’ve devoted so much time in along with the blood, sweat, and tears is hard to do. Before you resign why not evaluate your job’s responsibilities and see if you can perform them remotely.

If you’re ready to sit down and talk to your boss about remote work, here are some suggestions to prepare you for your meeting.

two women sitting at table with laptop

How To Prep For A Meeting With Your Boss About Remote Work

Before meeting with your boss to introduce the idea of working from home, it’s important that you be prepared. 

Here are some things you can bring up in your meeting:

  • Explain the reasons why you it’s important to you to work from home and how this would boost your productivity.
  • Outline your responsibilities and describe how you would be able to perform those tasks at home.
  • Discuss your home office set up and how you have the necessary tools that will allow you to perform your job.
  • Go over how your plans for communicating with him or her.
  • Reassure your boss there won’t be any distractions while you work from home. Make sure you have your childcare needs in order before your start working from home.
  • Convince your boss your performance will not be affected at all working from home and if extra measures are needed to persuade him or her. And if you can,look take supporting documents with the latest work from home stats to help your argument.

More specifically, point out that working from home will improve your job performance. And if the boss is still hesitating, recommend a trial period and meet weekly to assess how things are going.

crop unrecognizable female psychologist and patient discussing mental problems during session
Photo by SHVETS production on

An Alternative To Remote Work

Offer hybrid work as another option. The hybrid work model has emerged as a groundbreaking solution for businesses in the wake of the pandemic. It combines the best of both worlds, allowing employees to work from home and come into the office as needed.

This flexibility not only boosts productivity but also enhances work-life balance. One major advantage is that employees can skip time-consuming commutes and instead focus on their tasks without distractions. Moreover, studies have shown that remote workers report higher levels of job satisfaction, leading to increased loyalty and retention rates.

Wrapping It Up

Being prepared at your meeting will show your boss that you did your homework and that you are committed to making it work for you both.

I hope you found this post helpful. And remember, you never know what you’ll get unless you ask! Good luck!

Discover the talking points you need to successfully negotiate working from home with your boos. #remotework #workfromhome #workathome
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