internet research

Internet Research: Where To Find Remote Work As A researcher

I was going through older posts over the weekend and I came across this one about making money online doing internet research and decided I should update it and share it with you again.

There’s one thing we’re always doing when we’re online – researching the internet. Whether it’s work-related or for personal use, nowadays everyone knows their way around the World Wide Web. Believe it or not but this is a great skill to have because there are companies out there who hire internet researchers and the best part is they get to do it from home.

I’m sure you’ve come across an internet research job but passed it up because you thought it was just another scam. I don’t blame you one bit because I know how that goes. My first work-from-home job was a scam and after that fiasco I was weary about applying for anything that I didn’t recognize.

It wasn’t until I started blogging about working from home and started researching the possibilities and discovered that there are some legitimate internet research jobs out there. In fact, a couple years ago I took a risk and applied for an internet research job I found on Hire My Mom. Turns out the company was and I worked with them on a four-month project.

I’m also still a member of Smart Crowd Lionbridge and every now and then I’ll complete a research project for them.

So you see, not all internet researcher jobs are a scam, you just have to look closely at the job you’re applying for.

About Internet Research Jobs

When you accept a job as an internet researcher, you’re given a particular topic and are asked to a general query on different search engines and verify what you found pertaining to that topic. Pretty easy right?

If you spend your time browsing the through the internet to search for specific information then you already have some experience doing internet research an internet researcher. But besides knowing you’re way through the internet, there are some other requirements employers are likely to ask for.

For instance, they will want their candidates to

  • demonstrate accuracy
  • be very detailed
  • be familiar with different web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer
  • follows directions
  • have a reliable computer with high speed internet
  • have dependable means of communications
  • be familiar with software like Microsoft Office software program in case you’re asked to put your data on an excel spreadsheet.
  • know how to handle simple technical issues like deleting cookies and clearing caches they may also expect you to know.

There are also research tools you should become familiar with if you’re not already. Here is just some of most commonly used ones:

Concierge Safari plugin – This plugin is a multifunctional scratchpad, bookmark managing tool and search history sorter.

Eagle Filer for MAC – This plugin organizes, archives and searches your email, web page files and other stored information. The tagging feature makes it easier to find notes you saved a year ago.

Springnote – Use this tool to keep notes and ideas online. You can share your work with others and every member of your group can read, write and share information.

Google Docs  – Create and format documents and allow others to view, edit and share them.

Where To Find Work As An Internet Researcher

Here is a list of companies that have hired internet researchers in the United States and other countries. If they’re not hiring at this time you can always come back to check out their openings.



Ask Wonder

Bid Ocean Network

Click N Work


Hire My Mom

IT-Boss Research

Just Answer




Worldwide 101

You can search freelance sites like Upwork for internet research jobs. There is also a job search site called Researching Crossing that specializes specifically in research jobs.

Have you done work with internet research jobs?

Wrapping Up Doing Internet Research Jobs from Home

I hope you found this post helpful. I hope you take a moment to check out the opportunities on this list. Good luck!

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