How To Avoid Feeling Lonely When You Work From Home

With the many perks there are when you work from home, there are also some drawbacks like feeling lonely.

The outbreak of CoViD-19 has forced all of us to stay home. Many folks are thrown into a new norm like working from home.

As a matter of fact, Forbes just shared a study that polled employees who worked for Apple, Intel and Facebook. It showed that 52% of them feel lonely working from home.

And I can understand why. When you work in an office not only are you out of the house but you have co-workers to talk with.

Working from home is totally different.

You might have little ones (and there is NEVER a dull moment with littles, right?) in the house to keep you occupied. And even though their conversations are cute AF, you can only talk about Toy Story or Frozen for so long!

Empty nesters and parents with older kids at home deal with too much quiet. I’m sure moms with littles are saying “What? I want quiet!” But trust me, it’s great at first but then you’re like, this is too much quiet.

It’s the adult conversation and interaction you miss that makes you feel lonely.

If You’re Feeling Lonely Working From Home

It wasn’t that long ago BC (before coronavirus), I would have suggested going out to lunch with friends, attend seminars or plan a family get-together.

But with social distancing being the new norm now, we have to think of some alternatives to fill in our day and keep us from feeling lonely.

Here are just some suggestions that might help:

Social Media. It only made sense to start out with the obvious. Jump on the channel your friends and fam is at – most likely Facebook – and chat it up! Just make sure not to let it interfere with work.

Facetime. I miss my grandsons like crazy so I’ll Facetime with my daughter to see them.

Make a call. Don’t text, call someone so you can actually hear the LOLs!

Get up, move around. Take a walk down your block with your favorite playlist or just sit outside for a little while and listen to your favorite podcast.

How To Avoid Feeling Lonely When You Work From Home #workfromhome #remotework #workathome

Wrapping It Up

For me, working from home has many advantages. But I’ll admit there are some times when working solo gets to me. I hope the suggestions I shared will make up for feeling lonely.

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