4 Perks You Get When You Work-From-Home
Updated: January 26, 2018
When I worked for Corporate America the job was demanding. I worked long hours and taking time off was frowned upon. And when I did ask the boss wouldn’t say no but there was always a comment especially if my team wasn’t meeting our daily goals.
Then when I was given more responsibilities it was really hard to take time off work. My chances of doing something other than work was slim to none.
But then when I started working from home I learned there were many perks to it. Along the way I noticed I was enjoying other aspects of my life that I could not enjoy when I was working in an office.
Here’s a breakdown of the four things I discovered we have time to do when you work from home. These may not matter to your boss but as a mom or dad, they matter to us.
4 Work-from-Home Perks
You Have Time To Work On Your Hobbies
In order to achieve a work-life balance we should also include doing things we enjoy. How many times have you said “I wish I could get back to (enter your response here) but I’ve been so busy with work and keeping up with the house.” Shewt, I sounded like a broken record for nine years!
When you work-from-home you have more time for your hobbies. Taking time out for ourselves to do something that’s not work-related can be a major stress reliever.
Studies have shown when we spend even a few minutes on a hobby outside work enhances your self-esteem, reduces stress and helps you perform better at your job.
So making time to work on our hobbies should be a part of our daily routine. And you never know…it could also evolve into a home-based business.
Which brings me to the next perk.
You Have Time To Plan Your Own Home-based Business
Maybe you’re ready to be your own boss instead of working for “the man”.
When you work a 9-5 or 7-11 like I did and then come home to tend to the family or as I like to call it the “mom shift”, the only thing you only want to do afterward is relax and unwind at the end of the day.
The last thing on your mind is planning your home-based business. Just like your hobbies, this dream gets pushed to the back burner.
As a work from home employee or freelancer it’s easier to make time to work on your home-based business plan to get it launched sooner than later.
Recommended Reading: A Three-Step Exercise To Help You Decide On A Home-Based Business
Get Involved With Your Kid’s School Activities
Another perk when you work-from-home is being able to get involved at your kid’s school.
The one thing I regretted when I worked in Corporate America was that I couldn’t get involved with my kid’s school. I wasn’t able to attend programs or volunteer to help out with school events and after school activities.
So if you’ve been wondering if working from home is worth it, this reason alone would be it for mamas.
Start A Blog To Sell Your Own Product
If there is a particular niche you shine in, the extra time on your hands could be a good time to start a blog and sell your own product.
You can work with a web designer to create a site so you can share tips around your niche and promote your products.
Recommended Reading: How to Turn Your WordPress Hobby Blog Into a Full-Fledged Business
Over To You
It’s obvious I love working from home. I can go on and on about it and share the many reasons why you should give it a try.
But I also know it’s not for everyone and for some it’s a major decision. But I hope I was able to give you nudge and think “hey, maybe it’s time I do it” and set a goal so I can finally be my own boss or start my freelance career.
At least to sit down with the family to discuss the do’s and don’ts of working from home to make a decision that’s best for everyone.
So let’s dish. What is your motivation to work-from-home? And if you work in an office, what are some of the things you’re missing out on? Let’s get the conversation started in the comments section below.
Here’s to your work-from-home happiness!